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Home > Advertise your jobsAdvertise Leisure Jobs offers employers and job seekers a chance to get in touch. We offer great value for money with our automated leisure job board that is great for one job, or hundreds of jobs!
New site features include:
Job seekers can now upload CV's into our software. This will in due course enable you to do a CV search to complement your job placements
Emails regarding applications now conttain more data for you to scan applications as soon as they arrive in your inbox
We have set up to 5 yes/no 'Eligibility questions' at both Employer level and individual Ad level. This can help you to check a candidate's suitability straight away.
Leisure & Fitness Job Adverts
Individual jobs
Advertising a job is £40 +VAT for a single posting for up to 4 weeks.
Yes - Just £40 +VAT per job
We can have this live within 24 hours for you and you can log in to see stats, check the Ad we place and amend accordingly.
Multiple jobs
If you regularly have more than 3 or 4 jobs a month to advertise, then talk to us about a monthly package. With flexibility and discounted rates against the individual posting price, we can manage it all for you.
Featured jobs
Why not add to your basic job advert, why promoting your jobs to the top of the search results for maximum impact. Choose between 7 or 14 day package.
To find out more please Contact Us
Featured Employers
If you would like to promote your logo/brand sitewide on or just for your particular job type, then why not consider a small fee to become a 'Featured Employer'. Your logo will appear in the relevant 'Carousel' of logo's signifying to our job seekers that you are recruiting!
This will be a monthly fixed price that can be tied in with your "Multiple Job package" and will drive job seekers directly to your Employer profile page where all your jobs will be displayed.
To find out more please Contact Us
Banner Advertising
We offer a range of Creative advertising opportunities including Leaderboard, Sky and MPU sizes. Whether you want to promote your profile, or have a direct link to a page within your site, you can buy at rates starting from £4 per 1000 page impressions.
To find out more please Contact Us.
For more information about contact us now
* All job postings are for a max period of 4 weeks. Once this time has elapsed you will need to pay a new job fee of ?40+VAT to keep the job live.